I have currently not installed the coilovers and I have full confidence in the fact that they will work as intended once installed but Coilover Depot sent me the wrong item.
I received the right shock tube and all but requested 4 bolt top hats instead of the 3 bolt top hats. As soon as I received the email stating they had shipped I knew they had shipped the wrong parts. Overall this would not be a big deal except for the fact that im away for work and wont be home for another 3 months and my wife has to deal with this.
To rectify the problem, Coilover Depot wanted me to remove the top hats and ship them back and they would replace them with the 4 bolt ones that should have been in the kit to start with. This would be fine except again, I'm away for work and my wife is now having to do this... Hopefully she can remove them without any issues and get them sent back. To complicate things more, the Convid-19 has screwed the entire world up and my wife is now sick (probably just a common cold).